2021-10-20 God is the Absolute

2021-10-20 God is Absolute

Informazioni sul contenuto del Messaggio.On Earth there is no longer harmony and love, Jesus returns to restore this order, to establish peace among men, now lost.

«My friend, write what I am sending you to say.

I, Jesus, I am close to all of you my sons, always remember you that I, God, I am the Absolute, and nothing must frighten you. I will come to take you by the hand and you will be under my protection. Remain united in prayer, invoke Me in the silence of your home. The disputes and the many words that ensue give them to Me, to your Jesus, to the One who saves, who makes all things good. Do not despair, despair is useless, it only brings desolation and despair.

At this moment in the world there is a lot of indifference among the Leaders of the Nations, but all this had to happen to restore peace to your entire Planet, lacking in brotherly love and this leads to death, not only physical but also spiritual. Sons dear to Me, Jesus tells you that soon, very soon, you will see my return, but this time in the dazzling Cross. Many of you will beat their chest asking Me forgiveness, but other my sons, closed in on themselves, having their hearts closed to my call, of my sanctifying grace, it will be the end for them. Pray for the conversion of the hearts of all Humanity.

My Angels, an immense multitude, are ready, at my beckoning they will come to Earth to take away and save you. You my elect, do not lose hope, this great tribulation had to happen, for the great abomination of a large part of Humanity. There was no longer harmony or love among my sons. I Jesus, I no longer saw it among you, everything was out of harmony, as well as the Earth that was spewing you. And that is why, in my return, I Jesus come to bring back love, peace between you and harmony in your Planet Earth.

I God, the Son of the Father the Most High, I give you my Peace. The Most Holy Trinity. The Amen».