2022-11-27 Big change

2022-11-27 Big change

A Message of Love from the Father, warns of a great change on Earth.

«God the Father comes to you daughter, creature created by Me. I placed you on this Earth to bring a Message of perennial Love. You have always been faithful to the Word, spoken for a long time. From an early age I have wanted you, I have cherished you. I saw in your heart so much longing for love, and I made you become a Messenger of Love. Out of Love for you creatures, I have given you my beloved Son to redeem you from eternal sin, together with the Holy Spirit, your Paraclete and Counselor.

Yes, I come soon to renew the Earth and everyone’s heart. Great change will come on planet Earth and, during this change, I will withdraw many of my children to Me, other children will convert to remain in a new Earth. I say these Words, so that you understand the importance of them and meditate on them together with the Prayer. Prayer saves, Prayer is Praise to Me God, your Creator, without It you get lost and take the path, the one that leads you to make the good die in you.

This I told you, stay together and pray. I am God, I want to be loved, adored, you have to write it in your mind. Everything ends, but if you bear obedience to my Words you will have eternal life.

Daughter loved by God the Father, by God the Son and by God the Holy Spirit, we give you our blessing and on those creatures who will implement these Words. The Most Holy Trinity. The Amen».