

MY TINY FLOWER’s author and curators, nickname WEBSITE, at secure absolute URL https://miopiccolofiore.it, list in this official page https://miopiccolofiore.it/disclaimer-en, warnings to its users, both for the methods of use of the contents, and for the relationship between author and reader, more strictly of a legal nature, relating to the above issues, affixed to the title of this official page.


Consultation of this WEBSITE implies acceptance of what is declared on this page, explicitly drawn up in compliance with the civil provisions on contractual matters, with particular reference to articles 1229 and 1341 of the italian civil code. Any special arrangements for individuals or groups of people are not included in this statement. The contents are provided as-is and for personal use only, they can be modified at any time and without forewarning.


The author of this WEBSITE assumes no responsibility for any loss or damage of any kind – direct, indirect, or consequential – resulting from use of, or access to, the WEBSITE, or from hyperlinks ( links) that lead to third-party websites. The author of this WEBSITE declines all responsibility for manipulations of the Internet user’s computer system by unauthorized persons.

The registration or printing of individual pages and/or sections of the WEBSITE is authorized only if accompanied by the clear and complete citation of the source.

Any links, if present, lead to third party internet pages; the author of this WEBSITE has no influence on the content of these. For this same reason, the author of this WEBSITE declines all responsibility for the inaccuracy, non-integrity and illegality of the content of these web pages, as well as for all the offers or services proposed by them.

Statement of intent

The main reason for the online publication of this work is mainly attributable to the willingness of the author of the manuscripts to share the contents, but above all to satisfy the explicit request of a “Superior and Absolute Authority” with which this WEBSITE identifies itself and conforms.

The predominant feature of this WEBSITE is the nature of the contents, strongly supernatural in nature, with which facts and future events of all humanity are exposed (prophecies). This WEBSITE also declares its peculiar Roman Catholic Apostolic Christian imprint, by which it recognizes all the seven Sacraments that the Church of Christ Jesus professes, and they are:

  1. The Baptism
  2. The Chrismation or Confirmation
  3. The Eucharist
  4. The Penance and Reconciliation
  5. The Anointing of the sick
  6. The Holy Orders
  7. The Marriage

The nature of a doctrinal, liturgical and sacramental nature is also recurrent in many revelations.

The publications

The choice of manuscripts is carefully examined before online publication, those particular revelations that have, in their entirety, a private type content with description of events concerning the life of people, references to places, things or objects are not taken into consideration that could hinder the rights to individual liberty or privacy in a legislative sense, see section Note legali (Privacy Policy). Only in some rare cases the omission of the whole manuscript, from the online publication, is enforced. That is, if a large part of the content of the revelation does not represent an impeding characteristic and does not undergo excessive cuts.

It will therefore be up to the author, the editors and the ecclesiastical advisers to decide to apply the “- PRIVATE -” mark to the message, which identifies the omission of a small part of a paragraph or section of the Heaven’s Message. However, in cases where the Privacy Policy dictates its regulations, i.e. where the presence of names could be ascertained, only the symbol of three consecutive dots “…” will be applied to indicate the omission.

The publications are not chronological. The choice of content is also examined in close correlation with the historical events of the moment. It will be possible to see a message written in the 1990s followed by one with a recent date.

To find content that is as relevant as possible to the user’s choice, an Archive is available. On this page it is possible to track and view any type of textual content.

Terms of use

This WEBSITE provides non-profit reading. All pages are self-published by the Organization “Opera della Trinità Santissima”, which identifies itself in the drafting of this Disclaimer page. The consultation of the contents is provided only via a secure connection (HTTPS).

The data hosting platform makes use of the latest archiving technologies. Daily security backups, Google Analytics SEO for correct content indexing, first level DNS.

Free use

One of the main reasons that most influenced the publication of this work, lies precisely in the free reading.

The author and his collaborators do not ask and will never ask in the future for economic support of any kind. The choice is an integral part of the existence of the WEBSITE, which is and will always be self-sustained, both for maintenance and for publication. Any declaration of support, moved by users and aimed at offering money, will be categorically rejected. This WEBSITE does not accept money, not now, not ever, as a non-profit, self-managed organization.

Consent to copy

This Disclaimer identifies all the contents of this WEBSITE. All pages are copyrighted under Copyright. The Opera della Trinità Santissima holds the rights. Duplication, both electronically and on paper, is permitted after affixing the origin. It will be necessary to add the absolute type address, with the following wording: “source https://miopiccolofiore.it” even in the absence of the acronym “https://” but the name of the WEBSITE must always be clearly visible.

Copying, copies, or any other form of duplication of these web pages is permitted by the author, subject to verification of the content, i.e. that it is always intact. It is not permitted to duplicate a part of a page of this WEBSITE, but the entire page, from beginning to end, with the endorsement of the source described above.

The platform

This WEBSITE uses an advanced WordPress™ development platform for creating, editing and updating content (CMS). Considered by industry experts to be the best solution for providing information services equipped with the latest presentation technology.

Therefore offering a user experience at the highest levels available today is the priority of the “mission“. To make it easier to use the contents, the Help section is available. On this page it is possible to understand some of the main features of the WEBSITE made available to users.

Legal notes (Privacy Policy)

This “Disclaimer” page lists the conditions on the Privacy Policy. This WEBSITE is updated aperiodically. Therefore, pursuant to Law 7 March 2001 n.62, since it is not a periodic online publication, it is therefore not regulated by the current Italian regulations on electronic publishing.

Indirizzo IP

Your IP address and other data are analyzed by Google to examine the correct traffic, performance and security metrics, but also to guarantee the quality of the service, generate usage statistics, detect and counter any abuse by cyber criminals.

Gestione dati

This WEBSITE allows Newsletter signup to the and the registration of collaborators, but does not manage personal data. The “Comment” function is limited only to the legitimation of being able to log into the WEBSITE with an alias associated with an email, no personal data is required, such as a surname, a name or other sensitive data.

To comment on the Heaven’s Messages, the Visions, the Praises, the Prayers, the articles and the personalized pages published by the Opera della Trinità Santissima, only an email will be sufficient (to receive the replies from the server) and an alias (invented name at discretion of the user).

Since there is no “complete” management of master data, there is no “Ownership” or person responsible for the management of sensitive data, therefore no release is required for data management.

«After a long process for approval, the European Union on May 25th, 2016 approved the new Privacy Law 2016/679, more commonly referred to as GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). The Regulation has been in force directly in all EU countries since May 25th, 2018».

The management of any personal data, which is not recognizable as “Long-term” remains concise to the validation of the contents entered in the contact form, and it is only for this reason that any “Ownership” of the treatment is lost.

Contact Form

When the “Contact Form” is used, the “Privacy Policy” box of the WEBSITE must be ticked, otherwise the sending of the form will be denied. The email associated with the declared invented name will be kept only for the time necessary to respond to the user’s request and will be deleted within 24 hours, starting from the moment in which a reply is given. It is not possible (nor appropriate) to immediately delete the user’s email, but to demonstrate a validation of the GDPR, it is still important to “declare NOT to retain data”.