Messaggi del Cielo di MIO PICCOLO FIORE Chi sono i piccoli del Vangelo

Who are the little ones of the Gospel

Who are the little ones for Jesus?

In the Heaven’s Messages of MY TINY FLOWER we often read the adjective “little”. This definition of small, so dear to Jesus, has its own explanation. Jesus identifies himself in the little ones, that is, in all those who are humble and choose to let the only true good dwell, the Love of God. In the Synoptic Gospel of Luke 9:46-48 Jesus answers the question of who among the disciples was the greatest, understood as the most important, but Jesus is God and knows everyone’s thoughts, even the most hidden, because He reads the hearts and nothing can remain hidden from Him. Returning to the story of the Gospel of Luke, Jesus took a child and put him by his side and said to them:

«Whoever receives this child in my name receives Me, and whoever receives Me receives Him who sent Me. For he who is least among you all is the one who is great».

So who is the little one in the Gospel of Luke?

The one who recognizes that he is first and foremost a beloved child. A son who is still a child, incapable of achieving holiness with his own strength alone. The little one, like every child, is actually clever, because he knows that his weakness is instead strength, capable of attracting the Love of God. He knows that God communicates in proportion to the poverty of the heart and that the Lord is merciful, especially towards the poorest, but above all towards the little ones.