Heaven’s Messages of MY TINY FLOWER

New website

More than two years after the registration of the domain name miopiccolofiore.it, it was October 2nd 2021, the Opera’s spiritual directors have decided to renew the appearance and some basic functions to improve the user experience of the website. The content is now more sober and less diversified, a substantial characteristic taken into close consideration to maintain a high threshold of attention to the reading topic.

New colors

Improved color identification of the daisy flower

The new graphic interface is identified in the new dominant colors of the daisy, yellow-orange and white. This decision is marked by recurring mention of Jesus for this simple wildflower.

Objective description

Each color can be traced back to a state of mind, to a precise value, therefore it has the power to influence our decisions through instinctive connections.

  1. Yellow
    How does it feel
    Yellow is the brightest color on the visible spectrum and is the most noticeable when perceived. The positive characteristics conveyed by yellow color are: optimism, enthusiasm, confidence, originality, wisdom, analytical thinking and creativity.
    Does it have an inherent meaning?
    Yes, yellow stimulates the mind, transmits positivity and serenity, it is also known as the color of change.
  1. Orange
    How does it feel
    Orange transmits energy, balance, friendship, courage, ambition and understanding, it is a color capable of instilling inner peace, self-confidence, stimulating wisdom, creativity and sociability. A reassuring and welcoming color, it is often used to convey positive messages. It also stimulates creativity and is often associated with the lives of very young people.
    Does it have an inherent meaning?
    Yes, spiritually orange is the color of the soul’s awakening to the highest state of closeness to God.
  1. White
    How does it feel
    It represents freedom, peace, purification, a new beginning, order and mental clarity.
    Does it have an inherent meaning?
    Yes, white stimulates us to welcome the new things that life itself presents. It symbolizes trust in others and in everything the future holds.


Last published

Heaven's Messages of MY TINY FLOWER 2023-06-02 Soldiers in battle

2023-06-02 Soldiers in battle


Recently published

Heaven's Messages of MY TINY FLOWER 2023-05-13 Primordial guilt

2023-05-13 Primordial guilt

Heaven's Messages of MY TINY FLOWER 2023-04-21 Vacant throne

2023-04-21 Vacant throne

Heaven's Messages of MY TINY FLOWER 2023-04-17 Little Flowers

2023-04-17 Little Flowers

Heaven's Messages of MY TINY FLOWER 2023-04-11 An evil era ends

2023-04-11 An evil era ends


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