La Voce

The Voice

The interior locution, an extraordinary mystical experience.

How is it possible to hear a voice that does not reach the auditory system? Well, nothing is impossible for the Lord, He is our creator and only He allows this.

An interior locution of an intellectual type (the voice) is always and only an intimate perception of words, like phrases perceived directly in the head. All auditory functionality is “by-passed”. To better clarify what happens, all that remains is consciousness. Probably not even the brain, understood as a processing apparatus, which in this particular case is made directly responsible only for the possible immediate transcription of the words. There are no in-depth studies on this topic. What we know is that Christian mysticism, while a difficult word to define, is the consciousness of the person at its greatest earthly extent. The soul yearns for its Creator (Psalms 42:2) and only through divine intercession and mercy does “spiritual contact” occur.

This “Words from Heaven” – so defined in the christian ascetic treatises – are perceptions felt by the person within himself, in the most disparate ways and times. The words given through the Charism of Prophecy originate with God and are given with the purpose of building up the people of God (1 Cor 14:3). The characterization of these experiences is unbelievable when viewed directly by those who have never approached such grandeur. Here are some brief expositions on the methods and times of how an interior locution occurs.

How comes an interior locution happen?

Below are some brief explanations on methods and times.

God is Love, he establishes a true union of spirit with his creature. The soul prepares itself for the call of its creator and the person’s intellect is as if kidnapped, put aside. The will no longer has power over anything, as if one’s senses are interrupted. Movements, speech, all cognitive functions are absorbed by the wisdom of God. A fusion is established between the Spirit of God and his soul, which become one. The cognitive mastery of the person is lost, because now there is only God.

And behold, I Am.

These Messages from Heaven take place with a certain cadence, but with respect for the availability and will (it is no coincidence that the Lord Jesus reveals his grace and work in the laity) of a person who since 90’s has been transcribing interior locutions and annotating visions on protocol sheets.


MY TINY FLOWER it is the decorative epithet repeatedly declared and expressed by Jesus to the person who receives these Divine Messages. Her identity is hidden. The choice is not dictated by the authorities of the church, but by Jesus himself, who in many messages declares his desire to hide her. In obedience and respect for this supernatural decision, we Spiritual Curators respect the decision of the person who receives the Messages from Heaven. However, we recognize that this observance favors the management of a more “normal” life, because it is not subject to the stereotypes of the world. Anonymity seems to constitute a normal life practice in today’s times, also to counteract inappropriate forms of thought or those fueled by destructive preconceptions.

Her identity is kept hidden by the ecclesiastical authorities to favor the management of a more “normal” life, therefore not by personal will, but to maintain a freedom of expression not subject to the stereotypes of the world. Remaining anonymous is a normal life practice in today’s times, an obligatory and dictated choice to counter inappropriate forms of thought or fed by destructive preconceptions.

There are thousands of manuscripts, perhaps two thousand, but it is a rough and imprecise estimate, because they have not yet been counted, they could even be double considering the size and quantity of binders to be digitized. All these messages are an inexhaustible source of the living presence of the FATHER, of JESUS, of the HOLY SPIRIT, of the VIRGIN MARY, of the ANGELS, of the SAINTS and of the SOULS of the PURGATORY.

Important statements by the Holy Office for the publication of private revelations: Nihil obstat quominus imprimatur.