Spirito Santo

Holy Spirit

Holy Spirit God. Love of the Father and Love of God the Son, come into my heart to give thanks and so much love, in the evening my soul looks for You. Holy Spirit God come, strengthen the whole world, because the Earth and Heaven needs You.

O Eternal Joy watches over this Humanity that walks in total blindness, because moving away from You it does not find peace, it brings with it bitterness, war and destruction. Enter the hearts of your creatures, who from morning to evening are in trouble without joy in their hearts, wondering why so much pain.

Call us back to You with the perfume of your sublime Love, come back to live in us to give us your eternal happiness. May the strength of your immeasurable Love break down the barriers of evil, which dwells in the hearts of your creatures.

Open your maternal arms and like children run to you to never separate us again. We want to feel that ancient peace in us again. That peace lost through the thousand battles of life, but now finally found in You Holy Spirit, God of Love.


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