When the Lord calls

Who is My Tiny Flower

My Tiny Flower, a decorative epithet declared by Jesus himself to the person with the charisma of the Word, also has the gift of Prophecy, which does not necessarily mean prediction of the future, but messages of exhortation, of encouragement that Jesus wants to communicate to the world, also directly to some person or acquaintance. Prophecy is ultimately a charism by virtue of which the inspired person, man or woman (1 Corinthians 11:5) in the name of God and moved by the Holy Spirit, speaks to edify, exhort and animate. These charisms serve to build the Church, the World, it is a gift for the common good. The charism of prophecy also serves to reveal the mystery of God’s saving plan (Ephesians 3:5) manifest his will in the present circumstances, reveal the deepest feelings to awaken the adoration to God and recognize his Divine presence in the community.

Moses a simple man

Moses became a real spokesman, a reference for the Israelites of the time. He was a simple person, the least suitable for this task, as he himself asserts in verse 10 of chapter 4 of the Book of Exodus. Yet the Lord chooses him, instructs him to become his Messenger to free the people of God from Pharaoh’s slavery. The life of Moses is an example for everyone, Christians and non-Christians. God’s choices are always right, God’s plan for Moses’ life had already been designated, because from his birth he was bestowed with gifts, charisms, so he became the most suitable person to carry out that Divine Project, despite the inadequacies.

The Charisms

It is not every day that we hear about charismatic gifts, but what are charisms in the Church? According to the Catholic tradition, the charism is a supernatural gift of the Holy Spirit, granted in an extraordinary way to some members of the Church, but also the laity can be “touched” by the Holy Spirit for the general good of the Christian community. As such it is distinguished from sanctifying grace, which is infused on all in baptism.

The Organization

The Opera della Trinità Santissima is the organization that deals with the dissemination of these revelations. From the implementation of IT solutions, through the secretariat of relations with users, up to the planning of editorial publications. The spiritual richness that can be read in every Heaven’s Message by MY TINY FLOWER is carefully studied by priests with the charisma of discernment. With their editorial contribution they enrich the publications with the apposition of biblical comments and citations relating to distinctive traits revealed in the Supernatural Signature.


The Great Warning, also known as “The Illumination of Conscience” is near, it will follow the second intermediate coming of Jesus to restore order and purify the Earth from the filth of evil men. We Christians have the arduous task of testifying, we must be prepared and ready as soldiers to appeal. The predominant feature that the Opera della Trinità Santissima is carrying out is distinguished by its evangelical value. The “Mission” is to spread the Love of Jesus Christ to all his sons. We live in a world where apostasy reigns, Christians have the duty to evangelize, therefore the revealed Word becomes an offertory, a seed.

CONTINUE: The interior locution, an extraordinary mystical experience.