T: 2 min.

A very personal message from the Most Holy Trinity to My Tiny Flower and her work.

God Father, infinite wisdom; God Son, infinitely adorable; God Holy Spirit, eternal love. My heart is inebriate, it distances itself from my being to enter your unfathomable trinitarian mystery, wonder of creation, which has always existed and never dies. Why am I here? In front of your Throne that expand most pure light, joy and eternal bliss. What great and holy power arrives in my being, invests me completely, that my soul leaps and the door of my heart opens. O my heart, make yourself great, because a great Light is rising in you, that the sun seems to appear pale. For this greatness I feel enraptured and immersed in the immeasurable All.

«Behold the Most Holy Trinity comes to you.

Yes, to you little creature in the world, but you are great to us Three in the Trigon of Love. Yes, you have a great gift, almost royal, for your great simplicity and for your heart, despite his great age, as an infant. Your heart is still alive and attentive to the needs of others, but hidden from the world. You are an amphora where treasures are found in it that you don’t keep for yourself. You distribute to our creatures without having anything in return, only to see joy in your fellow man. You are a fighting creature, always listening to our Words that carry joy and love, ointments that heal the wounded hearts of many of our children.

With the humility you are our garden, where so many perfumes blend together and a fragrance emerges, that is impossible not to linger. Give everyone, just to see a heartbroken child of ours smile. You are like the bee that passes from flower to flower, just to fill the creature’s hearts with our Love, to make them ecstatic with the wonders of Us, Most Holy Trinity.

Creature, continue your earthly pilgrimage with this zeal and fervor in your heart. The Most Holy Trinity. The Amen».

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