T: 1 min.

Jesus Message saddened by the apostasy of the Church of Rome. Prophecy about Three Days of Darkness and Parousia.

«Pray my daughters for this Pope, Francis, he must convert his disillusioned and confused heart, he has distanced himself from my bride, the Catholic, Apostolic, Roman Church. It is the Pope who deserves this humanity, because it has distanced itself from Me Christ Jesus. This cancer of apostasy in the Church has infected all believers of the Christian faith.

Abandon yourselves to Me with zeal and deep faith well rooted in your suffering heart, due to the confusion that exists in the Holy Church. Everything was established by the Holy Trinity, a dark time had to come to bring about a radical change throughout planet Earth.

Just a little longer and you will see Me in the signs that will happen.

During the three days of total darkness, fire will rain from the sky, incinerating many things and people. Purification I Christ Jesus want of everything that exists on Earth.

Dear daughter, do you love me?

My Lord and my God, you know that I love You! But as you well know, I would like to love you more and more.

I am close to you, because you obey my Word, you are my little one and I have a privileged place in your heart without malice or cunning, and these are two parts of you that the Lord likes so much. You know how to wait, you keep quiet and don’t ask questions, you abandon yourself to Me and above all you give Me your heart, which knows how to love and bless so much.

And now go into my Peace, I give the blessing to those children who read these Words. Your Jesus. The Most Holy Trinity. The Amen».

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