Mistery of Love

Mistery of Love

My Father, tender friend, here is your daughter who comes to You, my King of Love, Source of Living Water from which I draw strength. I feel enveloped and surrounded by a celestial crown. I am no longer interested in looking, because my eyes are enraptured in front of the Most Holy Sacrament, where your Heart beats for me, united with your sacrifice of Love offered to your Father with your fiat.

Ineffable gift from Heaven, unfathomable mystery, my intellect stops before the mystery of Love for the entire Universe, which rewards all the creatures that came out of your Divine Hands with the immense Love of your Sacred Heart.

Light that illuminates the darkness. Creation opens to You singing continuous praise, like an echo from morning to evening it resonates in the air and in the firmament. Everything comes to life and at your Divine passage everything bows to You. The Earth smiles at you. The Sun does its part by giving its light which warms the limbs. The Moon irradiates the sky with its light that seems silver. The stars slowly come out to shine on the blue cloak of the sky.

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