T: 2 min.

Like soldiers in battle. Suffering leads to eternal Glory, an absolute truth declared by Jesus.

My Father, tender friend, here is your daughter who comes to You, my King of Love, Source of Living Water from which I draw strength. I feel enveloped and surrounded by a celestial crown. I am no longer interested in looking, because my eyes are enraptured in front of the Blessed Sacrament. Go to Praise…

«Daughter I am here with you, near you. You are a friend of your Jesus, who you always love despite the falls, the battles of life that come to you. I see that you work for the Lord your God, well done, you earn merit for Heaven. Always trust in Me, abandon yourself to Me and I Jesus will support you, now and always. I do not abandon you, I am the faithful yes, the faithful par excellence, stable in your heart and in the hearts of all creatures.

All of you, my children, faithful to Me the risen One, are waging a bitter battle, where sometimes you give up, lacking the strength to fight. In these moments, strengthen your prayer and you will see the wonders it brings to move forward like good soldiers in battle. Ask Me Jesus for strength and I will come to your rescue, you will feel my presence in your heart. You always say:

“Thank you Lord”.

Nothing must frighten you, I am with you for all your days, together with my Father and with the Holy Spirit, together with my Mother, Holy Temple of the Most Holy Trinity and Queen of the Universe. One thing must scare you, sin, if not confessed you will lose my grace and the light so as not to stumble. Do penance and always thank your Creator. The highest degree of love is to offer Me your suffering with all your heart. Call suffering, you are one step away from Heaven and what awaits you is my eternal Glory.

And now my daughter, my friend, Jesus blesses you and blesses all those creatures who will read these Divine Words. Go into my Peace, your Jesus. The Most Holy Trinity. The Amen».

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