T: 3 min.

Only Jesus the Lord gives his Peace. Run all to Love, open your hearts to Divine Grace.

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Jesus come and change my heart, because I want to love you with all my candor. Moments of Heaven, where your tiny speaks to You, my Jesus. I offer You my love with all of me. I want to be yours for eternity, But only for your mercy, one day, I will be worthy of the grace to enter your Kingdom of Love., where eternal joy exists.

«My Tiny Flower, here I come to you with my Holy Spirit, I come into you and immerse myself in you. Creature be happy, I am joining you with my Light that warms your heart. You are my daisy that says:

“I love you Jesus, Lord I love you, come to me”.

My litle one, are you happy with my Peace? It is my nectar, sweeter than a honeycomb. Always rejoice my creature, Jesus loves you for your great simplicity and your belief in Me, this makes your soul whiter than snow. Make your Savior Jesus happy, whom you love more and more. You see my little one, I am a simple God.

I love simplicity in you my children, so much so that I go looking for it and admiring it in various parts of the world. When I find it in my creatures, they become mine and I give them all my inextinguishable Love.

In the immensity of this Universe, nothing escapes me, you are all in the palm of my hand. Call me and say:

“Jesus I love you, give me your strength, I stay quiet and wait, I wait for you my Jesus”.

Your heart must open and my Divine Grace comes to your aid. Hold out your hand to me, ask Me for Peace for your hearts and I Jesus will inundate them with my Peace, which only I Jesus can give, I am your God.

Yes, Jesus is God, but also your friend, the faithful friend who never betrays. The friend par excellence, even when the world hides from your eyes, but Jesus is always there, at your side, walking with you.

With every beat of your heart, Jesus tells you: Trust in Me, I am with you.

Lift your spirits high, seek me with all your heart and you shout out:

“Jesus I love You, I love You, Jesus I love You”.

Run to Me, my creatures, and I Jesus will open my arms to let you rest your head on my Sacred Chest, where continuously pours His Precious Blood from It. That Holy Blood that redeemed the world».

Praise, my Lord, to You my Jesus, magnificence for my heart. My heart with every beat thanks, saying: “Don’t go away from me, kidnap me, because I want to love only you”. Embrace me, cradle me, give me your wonderful Words of Love that go to console my heart. My Lord, come soon to Earth to bring your Light, that Light which pierces the darkness and warms the hearts of us your children, cooled by so many painful trials.

«Yes beloved daughter, Jesus the Lord is coming soon, very soon. You will see many signs in the time to come and this will lead to my return to Earth. Children, while you wait, feed on Me and pray with the heart.

My Tiny Flower, I tell you and all my children of the Earth.

Jesus gives you his Holy Blessing, go in my Peace. The Most Holy Trinity. The Amen».

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