T: 3 min.

God is like a Father, He stands at the door and awaits the return of his beloved children.

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Oh Christ the Redeemer, my King and strength of my life, You alone I want to love and adore. Infinite good You are in this Universe. I am a tiny creature, only You Lord give me your strength to face the world. My Lord, Most High God, You come to me with Your Spirit and fill my heart with Your Love. I immerse myself in you, in your Sacred Heart, through that spear, that pierced your most lovable Sacred Heart. Oh Divine Light enter my life, illuminate it, invest my intellect in this body of flesh. My hands unite and, raising your arms to Heaven, sing hymns of praise to the Him, who created you for Love. Furtive is my thought of You my King, I always feel your sweet call, and I run to your Divine Presence, like a small creature runs to the call of its parent.

«I am here, near you, I have come to beg for a little of your love! Oh if all the creatures of the Earth loved Me, I would no longer be a Beggar of love».

Oh God of Heaven and Earth, You are alive in all human beings of this Earth.

«Beloved daughter, yes I am alive, I am in each one of you.

I am the Good Shepherd who goes to the deepest slopes to look for the lost sheep, to bring it to salvation. The flock is dispersing more and more. How many of my children are lost, because they are led astray by so many paths that lead them away from true salvation. Children pray incessantly, Prayer raises the spirit and the aridity of your heart disappears, so that my grace returns to dwell in the hearts of my children.

Children, return to Me, I am the Father who stands at the door and waits for his child, with delight in Heart, to be able to embrace him.

The present life oppresses you, because you have distanced yourself from my Law of Love. I am God and I want to be at the center of your heart. Always accept my Divine Will, never rebel, in this way you acquire a little bit of Heaven. Don’t ask yourself many questions about tomorrow, your tomorrow belongs to Me. If you say you love Me, give all of yourself to Me who am your Heavenly Father, you will feel all the strength within you and my Love. Live your day by praying. Even your thought addressed to Me is profitable for the growth of your spirit. Likewise, your suffering offered to Me is like a sweet perfume that rises to Heaven. Remain faithful in the marking of your hours, which I Jesus give to all of you.

My children and of the Most Holy Mother Mary and your Mother, She brings you to Me. Her Love for you is sweet, a cloud that envelops everyone. She loves you dearly. She walks with you, by your side. She is the Queen of Heaven and Earth.

And now beloved daughter, your Jesus and King of the Universe blesses you, and together with you those creatures who will read these Words of Love. Go in my Peace. The Most Holy Trinity. The Amen».

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