T: 3 min.

Summary of a transversal message: human trafficking, the renunciation of Baptism, fire from the sky and the little remnant.

Holy Spirit makes me have visions of the devastation of child trafficking, a horror perpetrated on the lives of small and defenseless human beings. I immediately feel great sadness for these children of Jesus. The anguish is uncontrollable due to the threat that looms over the lives of these little ones, so much so that they feel sick. To mitigate this oppressive feeling, I begin to pray and invoke God with all my heart to calm my cries of pain. The Lord Jesus does not take long to manifest his presence in me and begins to speak to me.

«My little flowers are in danger, pray for them. They are defenseless, taken hostage by the high satanic lobbies of adults, now corrupt and caught in the coils of satan.

As you saw in the visions that came to you from the Holy Spirit, their future is atrocious, having become prey to the man who sold his soul to satan. Even for this humanity, being part of the criminal assault on those who are defenseless, great misfortune awaits them on this earth and their soul at the end of their existence will burn in eternal fire.

In your prayer I come to ask you to pray for my little creatures who have been kidnapped and even worse sold, as if compared to bargaining chips. Better for them, victims of this crime, had they never been born.

In man, my creature that came from my Most Holy Hands, I see so much sin coming from his heart! All the stories of your existence are tainted by the sin of pride. This leads to a chain of sins involving your soul, which groans and cries for your departure from Me your Creator.

On Earth I am looking for goodness, but I, Jesus Christ, no longer see it. Do everything for your dirty interest, but not for the interest of your neighbor, because you have erased it from your heart. Live as if you had to live forever, locked in your rooms, with your comforts involving your already sick spirit. Having distanced yourself from Me, for the pleasure of doing things on your own, deciding on your own, I Jesus, God of Eternal Love, no longer exist. You have turned your back on me and even worse you have renounced Me, canceling your Baptism with one stroke of the sponge.

Dear children, you do not know what awaits you. Repent, do not wait, time runs its course, otherwise an eternity of fire awaits you, together with the damned, without end. I Jesus Christ will have to send a purifying fire to Earth, a large part of humanity will perish.

You my chosen ones, the little remnant remaining faithful to the Gospel, I will rescue you from all this immense tragedy, which has never happened on Earth since the time of the flood. Always remain united with Me, so that the scythe of death cannot hit you so harshly. Pray for all my children far from Me Jesus.

Take care of your soul, as you try to take care of your body in a thousand ways, so that I Jesus Christ can make my Holy Spirit come to you, to free you from the snares of my eternal enemy and yours..

Do not be afraid, because I am with you, together with my Most Holy Mother and your Mother, in this battle to keep faith firm in your hearts and draw strength from Me. I am your Consoler, who heals and soothes the wounds of your sick heart, due to the many dangers of the world.

Feed of Me, of my Body and Blood, also with the Sacrament of Spiritual Communion, after having confess your sins, the shortcomings of your weakness and human frailty.

And now my children and daughter dear to Me to my Sacred Heart, I give you my blessing and my Peace. The Most Holy Trinity. The Amen».

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