T: 2 min.

Jesus is the only way of salvation. We return to the Lord to shine with his Divine Grace.

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To You Jesus, sweet name of my Lord, I give these words of mine. Most High God of the Universe, here I am, I come to You to feed on the sap of life that never dies. Jesus come with your Divine Grace filled with Justice and Peace that the world cannot give. Your Peace smells of Love, stable and lasting.

«Behold my Spirit comes to you, My Tiny Flower loved by Me Jesus.

I am God, the only begotten of the Father. I come to tell you that many of my children no longer seek Me. They do not knock at my Divine and Sacred Heart, where there is a Fire of Love which gives consolation to every heart. Children do not go by other roads, they take you even further from Me your Creator God, they make you stumble and fall. Falling, sin takes over your will to corrupt you. All this gives a sign of impoverishment to your soul, which no longer shines, it becomes dirty, and sometimes with wounds, leaving the scar.

You have to repent right away, do not let time pass. Go to the confessional, and with the simplicity of a child tell your faults to regain that former splendor, when you were in God’s Grace. As you feed your body, expiate your sins to bring your soul back into Divine Grace, to feed on my Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity, in order to have an agape of Love with your Creator.

Always keep my Law of Love confined to your heart, meditate on those Words so as not to fall into the temptations of the world. You are mine and you must return to Me bringing your simplicity of heart, to enter my Kingdom of Love for eternity.

Children, I am the good Father who wants you all to be saints, because I love you. I was the first to call you by name, each one of you, and with my sacrifice on the Cross I redeemed you from eternal death. Stay united and close to Me, true life is in Me. I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, without Me you can do nothing. Do not be afraid, with Me there is no fear.

Children, pray for one another, adore me in the Blessed Sacrament. Above all, I want goodness of heart, and I Jesus will open the door of Heaven to you, together with my and your Most Holy Mother. Entrust your requests to Her, She presents them to my Sacred Heart, because She loves you with immense Love.

And now, beloved daughter, go to my Peace. Together with you I also give my blessing to all those children who will read these Words of Consolation and Love, your Jesus. The Most Holy Trinity. The Amen».

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