T: 3 min.

Jesus reveals an absolute truth about his Roman Catholic Apostolic Church, usurped by traitors of the Gospel.

During the recitation of the Holy Rosary, the Voice:

«Catacombs, Catacombs, seek me in those places, because I Jesus Christ, I’m not in the false church.

Yes, I Am, I exist in the species of Bread and Wine consecrated by the Priests in the traditional Mass.

So many imperfections occur in my Church! The false Pope, the usurper of my Divine Law, corrupts the consecrated ones who sit in the seats with their luxurious garments, erasing Me from their hearts and minds. I Jesus Christ, must exist no more in them.

My Bride weeps bitter tears as never before. I Jesus, I’m no longer in the false church because on the Petrine Throne there is no longer a Pontiff; there is a traitor who calls himself Pope. But I come to tell all christian people to distance themselves from this church led by wolves disguised as lambs.

The confusion is enormous, there is no good shepherd who guards his sheep like the apple of his eye. The truth is erased and in its place there is the word falseness and counterfeiting of the mystery of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

Woe to you, woe! Run away from the false, disguised flock, step back so as not to stain yourself with this great sin.

Great calamity, the Roman Apostolic Church is martyred, it will emerge wounded unto death to return renewed more than before.

My children pray, gather together in your homes, form small altars, and communicate with Me Jesus through spiritual Communion, seeking one of my ministers for confession who is exempt from the false church, not in communion with the false Pope, lacking the ‘Munus Petrino,’ and the Holy Spirit is not upon it. Examine what comes out of his mouth, it is far from the Gospel, playing into the hands of my eternal enemy and yours.

The prophecies of my prophets are fulfilled, there had to be a Pope to destroy the Church, for what this perverse generation deserved, as it has never been before.

For a long time I have watched you, spoken to your hearts, already deaf to my Words of Love. But you preferred to listen to the voice of yourself, held by the deceiving enemy’s hand, going down other paths. The paths of the world that took you further and further away from Me Jesus Christ, your Savior. And now you find yourselves in a context of confusion, fear and dismay.

Return to Me with strong cries of weeping and pain. Beat your chests and kneel before your Father, He who loved you to the point of fainting so that you could have eternal life.

Invoke the Mother of Heaven, to her I Jesus Christ, under the Holy Cross entrusted you. To her, the Queen of Heaven, the Lady of All Nations, comes to each of you with her Eternal Motherly Love, lifting you from the pains of the heart and bringing you to Me, your God and Redeemer of the entire Universe.

Children, my people, I give you my blessing, go into my peace.The Most Holy Trinity. The Amen».

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