T: 5 min.

Prophecy about the Parousia of the Lord Jesus Christ. Humanity is called to heed this appeal.

«When you see the approach of situations out of the ordinary, you will have to say:

Jesus, God of the Universe, is returning to Earth, confusion will be everywhere!

But you, my children, do not fear, because the Angels of the Celestial Legions will come to your aid. It will not be the end of everything, but the end of an evil and perverse era.

This humanity has been lost by distancing itself from Me, everything will fall into ruin, many of my children will perish, convert your hearts, don’t you hear my call?

I appeal to my consecrated people, warn! You who are the Shepherds, do not be indifferent to these messages that I send to Earth through my prophets today. Don’t be lukewarm, be strong soldiers with the armor of faith. I will ask you for the salvation of the souls of the faithful that I have given to you. Announce my Word as well as give my Body and Blood, but also to pray and make people pray1.

I come like a thief into houses at night. I was born in the dark night to come and bring a new Light that broke down the darkness, and now I return at night to come and change the Earth. It will be beaten, set on fire with the purifying fire that will be seen everywhere.

Humanity, this Earth has said enough, it no longer wants to support you, the wickedness of man has come to cover all things. I Jesus Christ everywhere look, I see dirt everywhere. Within the heart of man there is no longer charity, justice, love, everything has been lost and with the passing of the centuries it has become extinct.

I see nothing but ruins everywhere and pride covers you, buries all the good, at the moment of birth it is erased down to the smallest detail.

Children, run, open your heart and cry bitterly over yourselves. You still have time, these are days of grace, just for a little while and then what I said happens.

Pray my children, continue to hope as you have done up to now and, in a time that I Jesus will, you will see the wonders of a God of Love. Believe in these Words and close them in your heart, Oracle of the Lord.

Beloved daughter, I bless all my children together with you and I give you my Peace, your Jesus. The Most Holy Trinity. The Amen».


Note 1
Saint Luke the evangelist, explains in (18:1-8) what Jesus often repeated “the need to always pray” and does so by quoting the same parable that the Master told to teach them.
The parable focuses on the status of a widow. At the time of Jesus, a woman who became a widow found herself in a difficult situation, without help, without protection. Without a man by her side, a woman of that era could do nothing. The widow in Jesus’ story needs to be defended and for this reason she turns to the judge of her city, but this authority does not want to listen to her, because it knows that the widow will not be able to pay the money for the defense and does not want to dedicate its time to her without get a good profit. The widow, however, is not discouraged and every day she returns to the judge, sometimes she even goes to wait for him at the door of his house, always repeating the same request: “Give me my right against the man who has done me wrong!”.
The days pass and the judge always meets the widow, wherever he goes, who insistently repeats to him: “Help me!”. For a while the judge tries to pretend nothing happened, but after a while he gets tired of finding this woman waiting for him every day and of her constant complaints: “Give me justice!”. After a few days a thought comes to him and he reflects: “Even though I don’t fear God or care what people think, yet because this widow keeps bothering me, I will see that she gets justice, so that she won’t eventually come and attack me!”.
Jesus finishes telling about the judge and the widow and asks the disciples who listen to him: “Have you heard what the dishonest judge says? Will God not do justice to his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? Will he make them wait a long time?”.
Jesus replies to them: “I tell you, He will see that they get justice, and quickly”. The good Father always listens to the cry and crying of those who suffer an injustice, and intervenes with the promptness that comes from his love for us, his children in need.
After having told the parable, after having reassured the disciples about the heart of God the Father, who is always attentive to the cry of those who suffer, the Master Jesus asks yet another question: “However, when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?”.
Sometimes it seems to us that God the Father does not listen to us, we have the impression of not being immediately satisfied in what we ask for in our prayers and we begin to doubt. But do we have faith, yes or no? When we turn to the Father in Heaven, do we do it out of habit, or because our heart is truly full of trust in the Lord God? Do we really believe it? Do we trust God? Our faith is seen in the way we behave.
Our cry, our tears, are always heard with immense love by God the Father. But have faith! We must not be discouraged! Let us imitate the widow, who every day renewed her request to the judge.
We too, in these dark times, respond to Jesus like this: “Yes Lord Jesus! We want to take the widow in your parable as an example and pray every day, without ever getting tired, living in the trust that your and our Father loves us immensely and never it will be slow to do us justice”.

Luke 18:8

«I tell you, He will see that they get justice, and quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?».

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