T: 4 min.

Jesus asks us to be bearers of peace and to feed on his Word to be satisfied with the Water of life.

«My beloved, I Jesus come to you my tiny flower.

You are all in an arid land, without water, the water that carries life within it.

I give you the water of life1, I give you the water of life, that water which regenerates your spirit.

You have removed Me from your heart to give precedence to the things of the world, but the things of the world lose the value of the spirit and your soul withers up, like a beautiful flower without its water that gives it life.

My children, return to Me, knock on my Sacred Heart and I will open it to have the grace of my Love, Trinitarian and redeeming Love.

I Jesus ask for prayer and listening to my Word every day that I give you. Make it your own, meditate on it and close it in your heart with the desire to crown your life with holiness. Don’t waste time on useless things, which take you away from Me, I created you for eternal good. Satiate your soul with good works, to walk on the straight path with the precepts that I Jesus left you. Even today as yesterday, to walk uprightly in your earthly exile.

Stay united with each other and do not sin from sunrise to sunset, do not give the purpose to my enemy and yours to corrupt you. Feed yourselves on my Body and Blood with the Holy Eucharist, eternal gift of life, to remain strong and firm in the faith.

Never despair in the sufferings of life, give thanks to God in everything. I am the Righteous, the Wise of all this Universe, how can you say: “where is God?”, if I, Jesus, fulfill everything in you for your eternal good!

Children, I your Heavenly Father call you with a heartfelt cry.

Here you are passing through, nothing is lost of what you do well. Do not be operators of evil, I created you to have a life of holiness upon the Earth, to walk in holiness. Do not distance yourself from doing good, because to Me Jesus you bring only good, done in communion with your brothers, without self-interest.

Be bearers of peace, ask Me Jesus for Peace and I will give it to you in rivers. I will anoint your wounded souls, along with your body of flesh.

Pray for those children far from Me Jesus. May prayer be unceasing, recite with faith, with the simplicity of a child and the eyes of the blind, those children who do not want to see, and the deaf, those children who do not want to hear will be opened..

Be the saviors of your fellow men and my Spirit will fill you with Heavenly Goods.

And now, beloved daughter, I give the blessing to all my children who will read these my Words of Consolation and Love. Go in my Peace, your Jesus. The Most Holy Trinity. The Amen».

Ed ora figlia amata, do la benedizione a tutti i miei figli che leggeranno queste mie Parole di Consolazione e Amore. Andate nella mia Pace, il vostro Gesù. La Santissima Trinità. L’Amen».


Note 1
In the Gospel of John (4:14) the apostle narrates the meeting of Jesus with a Samaritan woman near the well of water called “Jacob’s fountain”. This well still exists today and was dug by Jacob, one of the patriarchs of Israel. In this chapter an anecdote from the life of Jesus is described in particular detail.
Jesus asked the woman, “Give me a drink”. In our times it might seem normal, but let us remember that in that period, due to the rivalry between Jews and Samaritans, a Jew would have refused to drink from the same pitcher as a Samaritan. Also, it was considered wrong for a Jewish man to talk to a woman in public. Therefore it was very strange for this woman that Jesus spoke to her, asking her for a drink, as a woman and a Samaritan woman. Jesus answered her: «If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and He would have given you living water» The living water or the water of life, is none other than the gift of God to understand salvation, eternal life. When you become a child of God, you are forever, for eternity! Whoever becomes a child of God will never be thirsty again.

John 4:14

«But whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life».

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