T: 2 min.

Let’s return to the Law of Love to have true Peace in our hearts tired of the confusion of the world.

My Jesus, I adore You with all my heart, I give You my entire being as your creature, so small, but always with my thoughts stretched towards You, my King. Go to Praise…

«Beloved daughter, I love you, I always love you. Sweet little girl you are in my eyes, you always give me looks of love that move my heart.

O how I would like the world to praise Me, to adore Me, this has not happened for a long time. This humanity has distanced itself from Me since I am its Creator, the only God who redeemed, with my coming to Earth, the entire Universe.

My Sacred Heart bleeds. I cry over you my children, because you are losing yourselves for eternity. I created and redeemed you out of Love with my Sacrifice of the Cross and what do you give to Me?

Sin sinks you deeper and deeper, you are like quicksand that makes you sink, imprisoning you in the gigantic web of sin.

Not like that, not like that dear children. Convert your sick heart, brutalized by a thousand evils of the world. I am on the Holy Cross with my Divine Arms open, I wait for you to welcome you all and hold you close to Me, who am your Creator and Divine King.

I loved you first and called you children, but you do not want Me as your Heavenly Father, who always calls you, exhorts you to change your life. You don’t listen to my call of Love, you worry about the things of the world until you get drunk and I’m put aside.

Children, when will you heed my call? My Law of Love that puts true Peace in your sick and tired heart. Come to Me and I the Lord will refresh you enough to fill you with the missing and longed-for Peace.

Yes, there is a lot of confusion in the world, which brings with it discouragement and desolation. Do not continue along these impervious roads, they lead you to the ruin of yourselves, making you feel so much bitterness in your heart. Come to Me and I Jesus will take you by the hand, for the painful trials that will come.

Pray children, my Father and God the Holy Spirit, to always move forward without fear, proud to be my children and of my Most Holy Mother and your Mother. Never lose hope, together with faith and charity.

And now beloved daughter, Jesus gives you his blessing and to all those children who will read these Words of consolation. Your Jesus. The Most Holy Trinity. The Amen».

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