T: 1 min.

In the events of life it is rare to receive so much grace, with a feeling that everything was already written!

While I was praying, the voice:

«Act, act all of you who have the knowledge, I am God, the only God of the Universe.

Hurry up! Once again I say to you my sons, in knowing for your knowledge that I give you, act accordingly under this sky. Prophecies are a gift of the Lord your God, not to spread fear and dismay, but to give you trust and hope in Me, who are your Savior and your King. Forgive each other your iniquities and, observing the Word that I have given you, close yourselves to the world. Put your hands together and may prayer come out of your heart, implore God’s mercy and from Me you will draw comfort and consolation.

I am a God of Love, I want man to redeem himself, so that from him I may draw life and not death. Join Me and praise reaches Heaven, where it can be collected and deposited in my Sacred Heart; where, together with my Holy Angels and the Blessed Virgin Mary, a furnace of Love exists forever.

God has spoken, expand what you have written under my Divine direction my daughter, the little one of God».

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