T: 2 min.

Jesus reveals what the prophets wrote. A purification awaits the future of humanity.

«Daughter, my daughter, don’t be discouraged, don’t you see? I Jesus am with you, rests in Me, aren’t you happy with this privilege? I keep you alive, you are a pearl among the pearls that I Jesus keep on my Sacred Heart. Rejoice with Me, you have everything! You love me, I know it!


Write down what I am about to tell you, I tell you what will have to happen on your planet Earth.

There will be a war between States, the Warning is near, pray my children, faithful to Me, to my Divine Law. Remain faithful despite the painful trials you will have to undergo due to the hardness of your heart. The purification I Jesus will have to send, nothing is purer, not even a child, because it is contaminated by worldliness that is absorbed according to the rules of earthly existence. You are living in a dark era due to the sin that abounds in each of my children, having distanced themselves from Me Jesus Christ, the inexhaustible source of Love.

Children return to Me with a repentant heart, recognizing your sin, the primordial guilt of all of you, I who am a God of Love who gives Peace to every heart.

I am the King of Peace, but you are interested in the matter. You have placed Me at the bottom of your heart, where importance is no longer given, a memory of the past, in some to be erased. How could you, perverse generation, who never existed like this. Foolish and heartless, where you think you are going without Me, there is pain and crying in your heart.

I am the Risen One, I have conquered death, the Holy Sepulcher was empty and my apostles bore witness. Even you children redeemed by Me, bear witness to Me even though you have not seen, because through faith you have believed. I am Faith».

O my beloved, forever and ever, stay here! My heart desires to adore you, to remain in the company of the King of all the Universe. I would like to be completely clothed in You, to tell you the most beautiful words of Love. O Infinite Majesty, despite my littleness I feel rich, more than all the most beautiful things that exist on earth, because I have You! You my Jesus are all in all, what else could I wish for! Only to admire your beautiful face which expresses pure Love like never found in my exile down here. When I feel your Love within me I am in Heaven, but You are Heaven!

«Daughter dear to my Sacred Heart, your Jesus blesses you and all my children who read these Words of Heaven. Go into my Peace. The Most Holy Trinity. The Amen».

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